Independent Reviews of Wildfire and Emergency Response for 2023 Wildfire Season Underway | Government of Northwest Territories

Work is underway to complete independent reviews of the 2023 wildfire season to gain a full understanding of the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) wildfire and emergency response. The ultimate goals of these reviews are to improve our effectiveness as a government and ensure we have appropriate preparedness and response strategies in place going … Read more

GNWT publishes independent report on Child and Youth Counselling services | Government of Northwest Territories

An independent evaluation of the Child and Youth Counselling (CYC) Initiative has been completed, and a final report published, including recommendations. The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) has also released its response to the report’s recommendations. The GNWT launched an evaluation of the CYC Initiative in September 2022 to determine how effective the