Have Your Say: Adapting Wildlife Conservation/Management to Climate Change | Government of Northwest Territories

Climate change is impacting and altering landscapes, habitats and wildlife, which can have implications for the people and communities that rely on them. If you have ideas about adapting the territory’s wildlife management and conservation to a changing climate, the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) wants to hear from you. To help interested parties … Read more

Indigenous protected areas: Transformative opportunities in bridging conservation, reconciliation

Canada’s vast landscapes, steeped in deep and rich histories, face a pivotal juncture. Driven by Canada’s ambition to achieve its “30 by 30” conservation goal, lies a transformative force: Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs). More than just a designation, IPCAs are emerging as a potent catalyst for change. A force for challenging traditional conservation … Read more