2022 and 2023 NWT Outstanding Volunteers Honoured | Government of Northwest Territories

Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA) Minister Vince McKay honoured 2022 and 2023 Northwest Territories (NWT) Outstanding Volunteer Awards recipients during a ceremony in Yellowknife on February 29, 2024. These annual awards provide an opportunity to show appreciation to volunteers and volunteer organizations for their outstanding contributions in communities across the

Release of the NWT Active Living Framework 2023-2033 | Government of Northwest Territories

Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA) Minister Shane Thompson is pleased to announce that he has approved the NWT Active Living Framework 2023-2033: A strategic approach to recreation, sport and physical activity. The NWT Active Living Framework 2023-2033 has been developed through fulsome engagement with the sport and recreation sector, and a broad group of organizations … Read more