GNWT to pilot program in select communities that allows the operation of licensed day homes in public housing units | Government of Northwest Territories

On April 1 the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) will launch a two-year pilot project to support the start up and operation of licensed family day homes in public housing units. The pilot project, led by Housing NWT and the department of Education, Culture and Employment, is focused on non-market housing communities where no … Read more

GNWT to participate in Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot | Government of Northwest Territories

The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) has joined the Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot, which is designed to help employers in Canada connect with and hire skilled refugees overseas. The GNWT has opted to participate in this pilot to give employers another option to address the realities of the labour market in the Northwest Territories … Read more